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Try dangerous stunts over waterfalls by riding hydrojets in this game

Try dangerous stunts over waterfalls by riding hydrojets in this game

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Program license: Paid

Developer: Vector Unit

Version: 2023.10.04

Works under: Android

Also available for Windows


Program license

(1 votes)




Vector Unit


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  • Exciting and immersive gameplay
  • Impressive graphics and realistic water effects
  • Unique and engaging futuristic setting


  • Controls may be challenging for some users at first
  • Lack of touch controls

Riptide GP: Renegade is an exhilarating water racing game that takes players into a futuristic world.

Gameplay and Graphics

Riptide GP: Renegade offers an exciting gameplay experience where players navigate through thrilling waterways. The game is set in a future where cities are flooded with water, creating a unique racing environment. The controls may take a while to get used to, especially for those who prefer touch controls over tilt, but once the initial training phase is over, players find it easier and more fun to play.

The graphics are impressive, providing a detailed and vivid portrayal of the futuristic cities. The water effects, in particular, are quite realistic and add to the overall immersion of the game.

Controls and Difficulty

While the game is easy to pick up, some users might find the controls challenging at first. The game uses tilt-based navigation, which can be tricky for those used to touch controls. However, after the initial training phase, users reported finding the game easier and more enjoyable.

Setting and Theme

The unique selling point of Riptide GP: Renegade is its futuristic setting. The idea of cities being submerged in water provides a unique and engaging backdrop for the races. The game successfully transports players into a world of the future, making it an exciting and immersive experience.


  • Exciting and immersive gameplay
  • Impressive graphics and realistic water effects
  • Unique and engaging futuristic setting


  • Controls may be challenging for some users at first
  • Lack of touch controls